

Author and ex-police officer Tess Merlin’s first novel RANK is a revealing insight into what life was like for the early policewomen in the Queensland Police Force in the 1970s and 80s, from her unique lived experience perspective.

In this Autobiographical Novel, Tess lets readers into what breaking new ground in that heavily male dominated environment was really like. As with most Autobiographical Novels, fact combines with fiction to enliven the story and to introduce aspects of mystery and thriller. However, all instances of workplace harassment recounted in this book are factual. The stalking and other events in Tess’s private life have been fictionalised.

In this story, as well as trying to prove that female officers are as efficient and effective as male officers, and battling the Boys’ Club, Tess is dealing with being stalked in her private life. The combination of this thrilling back story with a contemporary look at online dating in the present makes for a compelling read. See back cover blurb.


Author Biography – Tess Merlin

Tess Merlin is an ex-police officer and author. Her first novel RANK was written from her lived experiences as a policewoman and as someone with personal experience of the trauma of being stalked.  She has written and published training resources as a trainer, facilitator and language teacher. She now also writes adult fiction and middle grade fiction. RANK is receiving five star reviews.

In 2023, Tess was awarded second place in the Thunderbolt Non-fiction Short Story awards with a High Commendation and was long-listed for the Gold Coast Writers Fiction Short Story awards. She is currently reading manuscripts as part of a competition judging panel.

Tess is a mother of two and a keen linguist in four languages. She has a passion for the English language, which she has taught in a variety of environments, to both adults and children.

She writes from the peaceful shores of Gubbi Gubbi country, where she pretends to be a farmer, with several chickens and an impressive veggie garden. She believes in continuously attempting new challenges—most recently bouldering and learning Auslan.

She regularly speaks on author panels and runs workshops in libraries and bookstores.

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